Monday 20 October 2008


“-Hey Baptiste, would you hand me a frying pan ?”

“-Wait, I’ve got to wash it first, there’s still meat and other unknown stuff in it.”

“-Ok, and grab the salt at the same time.”

“- I don’t think there has been any salt left for days, man.”

Deja-vu? That’s the usual scene you get to see in our section bars. Just think back a few weeks: the sun was shining, the army period was over, the X-men were happy getting together on their marvellous campus. The bars seemed clean and the first equipment had already been bought to cook like in a three star restaurant. But the X-men are no better than other students when it comes to manners. After only a few days of sharing the kitchen, the place has turned into a gigantic dustbin. Papers and empty boxes are lying on the ground and the sink is full of dirty dishes. Moreover, half of the kitchenware is missing which makes the cooking of a decent meal “Mission Imposible”! The whole lot looks like an epic battleground in which ketch-up stands for blood, mustard for brainfluids, onion rings for...well, we’ll let use your imagination. Juicy steaks lie in corners like corpses and empty boxes wait like ready-made coffins...

Well no need to insist any further to make you understand that it is a real plague. Let’s focus on the reasons for this disaster. Our studies have revealed that a non-negligible rate of entities among the students think the school owes them a personal maid because of the great respectability of their ego. A privilege they’ve already obtained for the cleaning of their so called rooms.

During the six months of our internship, most of us were forced to do our own housework. That’s why it’s freaky to see the mess some of us leave behind them. What was it like in their rooms? Were mice living in them? Were there worms crawling in their spoons?

The answer is no. Why? Because nobody was there to to the job in their place. They had to clean their own mess in order not to live like cavemen. But everything is new now, the bars are not their rooms, they’re more like common rooms, and they think there will always be someone who’s tired of all the mess, or just a hungry man in need of some dishes to eat properly.

Well, you can understand better now how the vicious circle keeps going round. When you come to eat, you have to clean the others’mess, then when you’re through, you certainly don’t want to clean a second time!

By Frédéric, Victor and Baptiste

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